Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kingdom Opportunity 4-03-09

Recently I was asked to take a leadership role in Florida for the The Gideons International. As I looked at what this role would entail, I discovered that for me to be successful I would have to be extremely efficient, have no extra meetings other than those I am already aware of, and assistance from both my brother Gideons and my family. Having taken on positions like this in the past I am quite aware of the stress that goes along with the long hours, and so is my family. So, when I told my wife about the position and that I was considering it, she flew off the handle. With all the positions both paid and volunteer that I currently hold, with seemingly too little time to complete tasks already before me, and now without the support of my family I felt crushed. This was just about enough to convince me that I should decline this offer, but then I remembered my own words. When the position was offered to me I told our regional coordinator that I would pray about it, and that night I did just that.

The next morning at our weekly prayer breakfast I read these words in Luke 9:62- “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God”. There isn’t a person on earth whose point of view I would feel bad about rejecting, yet this was the Big Guy speaking. Everything told me that this position was all wrong for me, but suddenly there it was- am I fit for His kingdom.

A little over a year ago, I went on a mission trip with about 20 youths from the Venice area to the Dominican Republic. When I first felt the calling for this trip I recall feeling the same way as I do now. I couldn’t understand why I was going. I couldn’t afford it; I needed to raise over $1000. I couldn’t speak the language; the one year of Spanish I took in high school (over 30 years ago), was definitely not enough to get by. Although I knew many of the kids from helping with the youth group, there were many who I had very little prior contact with. Raising the money was easy, as sponsors were coming out of the woodwork to support me; in fact so much was given that I was able to help other missionaries. When we arrived in the Dominican we discovered that the missionary family with whom we were staying had developed strong ties to a local church youth group, several of the youths were excellent interpreters (including the missionary’s two children). As a group we developed ties throughout the time we were there. I was blessed over and over again during this time, as I had the opportunity to witness and distribute nearly 100 testaments during the week we were there. I now realize that when God offers you a kingdom opportunity it is to bless you not to challenge you.

May you be bless in you walk with the Lord.

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