Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Victory this summer 6-09-09

The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat. This was a slogan for a sports show call the “wide-world of sports”. Think about it. We have placed so much value on the win in sports, or the monetary gain, or stepping up the social ladder that we may have lost track of what in life really has value. What value is the thrill of victory? I can think of only one lasting victory, only one time when the high cost of victory was truly worth it; it was the time when Jesus gave His life to achieve victory over sin and death.

Does this mean the goal of victory in life is pointless? No. Life is filled with little trials, where there will be a winner and a loser. One thing I learned very early in life is a person should always use the gifts God has given him to the best of his ability; in other words, in all that you do always give it your best. If God has called you to be a football player, be the best football player you can be. If God has called you to be a musician, be the best you can be. If you are called to a pastoral role, be the best you can be. Didn’t the army have a slogan something like that once?

Always remember you have a purpose, a hope, a reason for being here; to tell others about the saving grace we have in Jesus. Don’t be afraid to lose in life, because Jesus has already won the final victory. Enjoy the little victories in life. The grandson leading his lacross team to a championship while scoring goals. The daughter's solid play leading to winning her soccer match.
Or a daughter leaving others in the dust during a 10 K race. In life all things will pass. Remember the gifts of God and be thankful.

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